2008년 4월 22일 화요일

seventh question

Hey Guys!!
I have improved listening skills nearly two times.
My secret is listening to voanews.com site for two or three hours everyday.
How about your listening skill at Knue ?
Do you have any improvement ?
Pls let me know your opinion.

댓글 7개:

Nicole :

Hi Paul,
I'm so happy that you have improved your listening skills so much. You've gotten an excellent method for doing that. I also think that group listening and then chatting with others about the listening is quite good.

genius :

Congratulations! Paul.
I believe you can improve your listening ability. I am always surprised your constant effort and patience. There are many useful English studying cafes. Join them and try do your best. As for me, I am hooked on watching American comic drama "desperate housewives".
Keep up your effort.

Jessica :
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Jessica :

Hi, Paul~~
I congratulate you upon your success. I really envy you. Although I'm also making an effort like you, I know it's not easy. I'm always worry about your health. Be careful and make desperate your efforts...

Michelle :
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Michelle :

I was so impressed at your comment about your improvement. Nobody could be so sure about it. I bet everyone who hears you might envy you. Actually I could sense it from many cases when you got the right answers which other group members missed in Walter's classes ^^...
As for me, listening is one of my big problems. I am such a lazy person. So I didn't bother to take out some devices, such as mp3, cassette players or VCR to practice listening English. So, I know my lack of listening skill is my negligence. But anyway here I'm trying to do my best to be more deligent in practicing and improving my English listening skill. As you said, sometimes I visit English broadcasting sites, such as voanews or CNN, and sometimes, I enjoy sitcoms in English. And I also want to know the good ways or shortcuts to boost my listening skill^^

Nature- Jayeon Kim :

How JEALOUS I am!!!


I'd like to improve my English listening skill like you. In listening class I'm always confused and frustrated whenever Water asks us to share and compare. But I can not spent my spare time more for listening. If I shorten my sleeping time or concentrate on studying more, I will not live normally the next day. With the least effort here, I'm afraid to be the worst trainee. From now on I'd better follow your way not to be a loser. I really want to be good at English news, movies, sitecoms and songs. I know my limitation in pronunciation but I'd like to boost my listening skill. It's my best goal here. Nowadays I use "Welcome English" in Daum cafe. It's useful for me. Please let me know how to care your health in spite of hard working.